Minggu, 07 April 2013

Cerita Sehari-hari dalam Bahasa Inggris

masjid nanding pondok pesantren dempo darul muttaqien tanjung menang pagaralam
The Daily Stories

At five o'clock I wake up and then making a bed, after that i go to the bathroom for wudhu than i'm praying shubuh. After praying shubuh i always reading the holy Al-Qur'an. 

At six o'clock I go to shower. After finishing my shower, I’m using my school uniforms. After that, I had breakfast in the morning and I go to school at seven.

Arriving at  my school, I go straight to class and a few minutes later, the learning process begins. I’m PGRI junior high school Pagaralam city, I sit in the third grade.

I came home from school at twelve o'clock. When I got home I change my clothes and then lunch. After that I learned, repeat the previous lesson. After learning I was playing badminton with my friends.

After playing badminton I showered. When the time of praying magrib comes, I go to the mosque that near of my house. After prayers I had dinner with my family. After dinner I learned. After learning I was watching my favorite tv shows. then I go to sleep at nine o'clock.

4 komentar:

  1. aku minta kegiatan hari minggu malah sehari-hari JANCOOKKKK TAEKKKK

    1. gak boleh gitu sama guru coeg
      liat katanya PGRI tau kan kepanjangannya ?

    2. itu orang sinting kayaknya, uda koment gak sopan, marah2, ngomong jorok pula. Eh dasar gak tau tata kromo.

    3. ude ame mak itu kele ka kubuatkah nek ahi minggu pule, ok deng!!!


give me your opinion, coment and other, terima kasih sudah berkunjung, bagi yang tersesat, aku senang anda tersesat hee